頸椎(けいつい、cervical spine)は、椎骨の一部で、頭を支えるための骨である。
頸椎は七つの骨で構成されている。脊椎の中でも最も可動性が高く上下左右など様々な方向へ動かすことができる。 第一頸椎から第七頸椎まで上から順にC1、C2、...、C7と略されることが多い。 第一頸椎(C1)、第二頸椎(C2)は他の五つと比べ特徴的な形態をしており、それぞれ環椎(Atlas)、軸椎(Axis)とも呼ばれる。第三頸椎(C3)から第七頸椎(C7)までは似た形をしているが下にある椎体ほど大きく、特に第七頸椎は長く大きな棘突起を持ち、体表から容易に観察したり触れることができるため隆椎とも呼ばれる。 頸椎の中で最も運動が起こりやすいのは第一頸椎と第二頸椎の間であり、これを環軸関節と呼ぶ。
In vertebrates, cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are those vertebrae immediately inferior to the skull.
Thoracic vertebrae in all mammalian species are defined as those vertebrae that also carry a pair of ribs, and lie caudal to the cervical vertebrae. Further caudally follow the lumbar vertebrae, which also belong to the trunk, but do not carry ribs. In reptiles, all trunk vertebrae carry ribs and are called dorsal vertebrae.
In many species, though not in mammals, the cervical vertebrae bear ribs. In many other groups, such as lizards and saurischian dinosaurs, the cervical ribs are large; in birds, they are small and completely fused to the vertebrae. The transverse processes of mammals are homologous to the cervical ribs of other amniotes.
In humans, cervical vertebrae are the smallest of the true vertebrae, and can be readily distinguished from those of the thoracic or lumbar regions by the presence of aforamen (hole) in each transverse process, through which passes the vertebral artery.
The remainder of this article focuses upon human anatomy.
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