Originates in the Middle Energizer
A branch goes down to connect with the large intestine
Returns up along the upper orifice of the Stomach
Passes through the Diaphragm
Enters Lung
A branch goes up to the throat
Then down transversly and out at LU 1
1 Central Treasury
2 Cloud Gate
3 Celestial Storehouse
4 Guarding White
5 Cubit Marsh
6 Collection Hole
7 Broken Sequence
8 Channel Ditch
9 Great Abyss
10 Fish Border
11 Lesser Shang
LINEスタンプ販売中 忍猫_広島弁
Central Treasury
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, level with the 1st ICS.
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, level with the 1st ICS.
Cloud Gate
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, below the clavicle in a depression medial to the coracoid process.
6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, below the clavicle in a depression medial to the coracoid process.
Celestial Storehouse
3 cun below the axillary fold on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
3 cun below the axillary fold on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
Guarding White
1 cun below LU 3 on the radial side of the biceps brachii ms0cle, on the LU 3 to LU 5 line.
1 cun below LU 3 on the radial side of the biceps brachii ms0cle, on the LU 3 to LU 5 line.
Cubit Marsh
At the cubital crease on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
At the cubital crease on the radial side of the biceps brachii tendon.
Collection Hole
7 cun above LU 9 on the line joining LU 5 and LU 9.
7 cun above LU 9 on the line joining LU 5 and LU 9.
Broken Sequence
1.5 cun above the wrist crease, superior to the styloid process of the radius.
1.5 cun above the wrist crease, superior to the styloid process of the radius.
Channel Ditch
cun above LU 9 on the line joining LU 5 & LU 9.
cun above LU 9 on the line joining LU 5 & LU 9.
Great Abyss
At the wrist crease on the radial side of the radial artery.
At the wrist crease on the radial side of the radial artery.
Fish Border
On the radial aspect of the 1st metacarpal at the midpoint of the bone at the junction of the red and white skin.
On the radial aspect of the 1st metacarpal at the midpoint of the bone at the junction of the red and white skin.
Lesser Shang .1 cun posterior to the thumb nail on the radial side.
広島県 福山 尾道 岡山 矯正 歪み O脚 X脚 子宮 骨盤 不妊生理痛 生理不順 月経前症候群 冷え 更年期 痩身 向島 鍼灸 針 灸 東洋医学 経絡 腰痛 肩こり 経絡 五十肩 経穴 ツボ 保険 マッ
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